1. Reduce inflammation
Step one: Reduce inflammation. Inflammation as defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary means “a bodily response to injury or disease in which heat, redness, and swelling are present.” It is important to say that reducing inflammation begins largely from the inside out. What this means is that the best way to combat inflammation is internally through eating, drinking, and taking supplements.Some ways to reduce inflammation internally include eating dark leafy greens (spinach, chard, kale, and broccoli), fatty fish (sardines, tuna, salmon), whole grains, nuts (almonds, walnuts), peppers, tomatoes, beets, berries (raspberries), and turmeric or ginger.
Turmeric supplements can also be taken, although make sure that the supplements are of the highest purity standards and made without “fillers.” Read the ingredient label to see what other additives or ingredients the supplements contain. Always consult your doctor before trying a new supplement or vitamin.
2. Clean scalp and hair

Step two: Clean scalp and hair. The order of this is important. The scalp of the hair must be cleaned regularly (once a week or twice a month for natural hair) to prevent buildup of bacteria.
Especially for those wearing protective hairstyles like wigs and extensions, it is an absolute necessity that the scalp be cleaned with a gentle cleansing, low-chemical shampoo that clarifies the scalp.
Along with a cleansing shampoo, other options to use with a shampoo are apple cider vinegar diluted in water, or a mixture containing cleansing clays like bentonite. Tea tree essential oil is known for being anti-bacterial, but should be diluted before use.
Caution: if your scalp is already suffering from…
- open soars, bleeding bumps
- itchy red patches
- hot burning sensations
... be especially cautious about applying a harsh cleanser to the scalp. Instead use a gentle Calendula and Ginger spray or Manuka Honey (medicinal grade) with an High-Active of 12-15+. Liquid Black Soap is a mild scalp/hair cleanser (the soap bar is not the best because it can carry bacteria between washes).
3. Assess and Solve
Step three: Assess and solve. It is important to understand what is the cause behind the inflammation of the scalp. Inflammation can be caused by hair styling techniques like tight braids or extensions, glue in of weaves, wig caps, braided tracks under weaves, or hot combing.In order to know what is causing the inflammation assess recent hairstyle choices. Next, begin to eliminate these hair styling techniques and replace them with healthier ones.
It is also greatly recommended that you consult a dermatologist who can examine your scalp and determine the underlying cause and the proper solutions.
All three of these steps are significant in preparing the hair for new hair growth and for ensuring future hair health.
Source: 14 Foods That Fight Inflammation
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