Pumpkin Spice Lip Scrub Recipe

Try this seasonal treat: all natural lip scrub made from a few ingredients in your kitchen like brown sugar, honey, and of course pumpkin spice!

Benefits of the Lip Scrub

Brown Sugar: gently exfoliates skin naturally

Honey: nourishes and softens skin, filled with antioxidants that fight aging

Pumpkin Spice Lip Scrub Recipe

1 tble Honey (raw or wildflower)
1/2 tble Brown Sugar 
1/8 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice

Directions: Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl with a spoon. Using your pointer finger or a q-tip apply the lip scrub to your lips. Massage gently. Rinse with cool water and wipe lips with a face cloth. Repeat steps as needed.

For extra exfoliation: add 1/2 tble more of Brown sugar.

For extra hydration: leave scrub on for 1-2 min before rinsing. 

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