Rosemary olive oil is ideal for…
- hot oil treatments
- water and oil hair spritz
- pre-shampoo treatment
- mixing with butters
Rosemary is a herb that stimulates hair growth by improving blood circulation in the scalp. Rosemary helps to discourage dandruff, soothe an itchy scalp, and it adds shine to the hair.
sources: Rosemary & Hair Growth, Rosemary & Hair Care
How to Create Rosemary Olive Oil
Where to purchase: Dried rosemary leaves and olive oil can be bought at your local grocery store. make sure to purchase cold pressed olive oil that is organic to ensure the quality of the ingredients.
Preparation: Find an empty glass jar & lid
- Put the dried rosemary leaves into the glass jar.
- Pour 1 cup of olive oil into the glass jar. place the lid on the glass jar.
- Set the sealed glass jar in a sunny place for 3 weeks undisturbed.
- After 2-3 weeks open the jar, strain the dried rosemary out using a cheese cloth.
- Your rosemary olive oil is ready to use!
photo courtesy of
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